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Re: XF86 3.3-3

On Tue, 8 Jul 1997, Christopher Jason Morrone wrote:

> I've seen other messages about XF86 3.3 not working.  I am also
> experiencing problems.  I upgraded from 3.2 using the 3.3-3 packages, and
> now when I try to startx, the screen flickers and goes black, and the
> keyboard locks up.  Nothing else.
> Unfortunately, because of the screen blanking, I really have no idea whats
> going wrong.  Someone else I know is having the exact same problem, I'm
> using the S3 server(#9 motion 771 card), and he's using standard SVGA for
> his Trident I believe.
> In any case, the XF86 3.3 packages are definitely broken.  I'd fill out a
> bug report, but unfortunately, I can't be any more specific than that
> right now.
> Do the package maintainers know that something is wrong?  I'd be happy to
> supply any info that I can.
I think the problem has something to do with certain newly added features of 
XFree86-3.3, some of which actually are still in beta test stage.

I've got a clgd 5428 card. Although X still works after the upgrade, the 
showdow portions of some buttons, scrollbars and arrows are not drawing well.
The cause is that 3.3 adds some beta acceleration features in the Cirrus 
driver, which does not work well with the 5428 card. I have to disable the 
acceleration to make it work like it did before.

Therefore, the correct procedure to upgrade X (any version) is:

1) stop X (xdm,startx)
2) upgrade the package
3) read docs
4) configure X.

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