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Re: Kernel Question

>>>>> "JHV" == Jaldhar H Vyas <jaldhar@braincells.com> writes:

JHV> On 8 Jul 1997, Emilio Lopes wrote:
>> >>>>> "JHV" == Jaldhar H Vyas <jaldhar@braincells.com> writes:

JHV> By any chance were you compiling in an X Window?  Recently, when
JHV> I recompiled my kernel I got all sorts of weird errors like this
JHV> in an rxvt.  But when I tried again from the console, everything
JHV> was fine.  Don't ask me why.  Try it and see if it makes a
JHV> difference.  If not, you probably have hardware problems as was
JHV> suggested.

>> Maybe it's because you freed memory when left X.

JHV> But X was still running.  In fact even that rxvt was still
JHV> running.  All that changed was I pressed C-A-1 to return to text
JHV> mode and did the exact same thing from a bash prompt.  And the

But then X, rxvt, etc. could be swapped.

JHV> machine has 64MB of RAM and 128MB of swap.  So I'll take your
JHV> word for it but it still sounds a little fishy to me.

I might be wrong anyway...

 Emilio C. Lopes <mailto:Emilio.Lopes@Physik.TU-Muenchen.DE>

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