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Re: Segmentation fault with mh

(about mh segfaulting) 

(sorry, but note these are mostly all general tips, some I have
learned recently to help with diagnosing these kinds of problems.)

What do you get for:

dpkg -l | grep mh


ldd `which inc`

I have been using mh for some time, and it seems to work fine here,
granted, I have not "started an installation" with "inc" for some time,
since I now have, well, enormous amounts of mail in my folders.

The other thing to try is:

strace -f `which inc`

Which will show system calls that are being done to complete the
"inc", and if there is poorly written code, it might not be checking
the return value of system calls.  If a call to make a directory
fails right before the segfault, you might look into permission, for

Programming is always harder than doing the same task manually.
It's hard because you must completely understand the problem,
take everything into consideration, and protect against every
possible flaw.  Then you never have to do it manually again. 
The great driving force behind programming is the fervent
devotion to laziness:  you wage a war to save typing later.

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