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Re: ncurses3.4

Carey Evans wrote:
>"Kevin M. Bealer" <kmb203@psu.edu> writes:

>So you _do_ need the /lib/libreadline.so.2 link.  bc in unstable is a
>libc6 program, so it shouldn't be concerned with what is in the
>libc5-compat directories.
>% dpkg -S libreadline.so.2
>libreadline2: /lib/libc5-compat/libreadline.so.2
>libreadlineg2: /lib/libreadline.so.2.1
>libreadline2: /lib/libc5-compat/libreadline.so.2.0
>libreadline2: /lib/libc5-compat/libreadline.so.2.1
>libreadlineg2: /lib/libreadline.so.2
>Is libreadlineg2 still installed properly after your problems with it?
>                Carey Evans  <*>  c.evans@clear.net.nz
>       "Our mail program accidentally deleted our remove list."
>						 - Real quote from UCE

Thanks for the help, all.  "bc" works now.  I don't understand how it
determined what libs it needed, i.e. why it refuses to link with
same-named libs in the same place, or where any of that is configured.

However, the appropriate libs now seem to be installed and work ok.

It would be nice if packages didn't leave Incoming until the packages
they depend on leave incoming, but I imagine the people who do that
stuff have enough complexity without worrying about that.

[ offtopic: ]

My new computer parts are in the mail "today".  Cyrix 200+ ("6x86L"),
Gigabyte MB, full tower case, 32 MB EDO, and a Matrox Mystique w/ 4 MB
SDRAM for $535.

Programming is always harder than doing the same task manually.
It's hard because you must completely understand the problem,
take everything into consideration, and protect against every
possible flaw.  Then you never have to do it manually again. 
The great driving force behind programming is the fervent
devotion to laziness:  you wage a war to save typing later.

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