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Re: default fonts and the x server

Kevin wrote:

>Guys, I've seen the answer to this recently. Don't know how current the 
>archive is--so you may not be able to search it for the exact answer.
>AccelX can't do compressed fonts (.gz I think).  XFree has apparently 
                                    ^^ That's true, .Z it handles well.
>decided to start compressing them.  There is a workaround and it 
>involves something like doing 'MAKEFONTDIR' in each of the target 
Not quite, I wonder if AccelX 3.1 aka AX will handle .pcf.gz files...
OK, I'm back in business now, what I had to do is:
cd to /usr/lib/X11/fonts/ and then to the misc, 75dpi and 100dpi subdirs
In each subdir doing a:
gzip -d *.gz
compress *.pcf  (we want _some_ compression at least ^_^)

That's it. Semi-happy camper again, lost 2 hours over this...


  // <CB> aka Christian Balzer, Tannenstr. 23c, D-64342 Seeheim, Germany
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