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X finally working! ...but in the wrong resolution...

Evening, all. I finally have X working, olvwm is no longer
crashing and burning. Thanks Dwarf@polaris.net for your pointing
me in the right direction (and my finding the manual for the
video card).

However, I am now in the unenviable positionn of 640x480 only.
While the chip set was supported, none of the other information
was clear as to what to set.

So the question is: Trident TVGA8900CL with 1M, capable of 
1024x768x256 interlaced or non. I know the monitor worked fine
under wimpdoze95 in 1024x768x256, so what I need are the settings
for that resolution for that card. Hunting and pecking has not
yealded much success...


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