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Re: I just can't get 1.3 to work using dselect....

LE>By now, I'm getting the feeling that something with your set is horribly
LE>broken - your hardware or the software/installation.

LE>I think, however, we can focus on the gcc + cpp + libraries region for
LE>now, because I get the impression that dselect's install only fails
LE>because of reasons related to these packages.

LE>I'm going to show you the correct lines under dselect's select for the
LE>involved packages. Please compare them to what you get and maybe you
LE>could post the differences (or everything):

LE> *** Std devel    gcc   The GNU C
LE>compiler (ELF v


LE> *** Std interpre cpp   The GNU C
LE>preprocessor (E

Shows The same here...

LE> *** Req base     ldso         1.8.10-2    1.8.10-2    The Linux dynamic

Shows The same here...

LE> *** Req base     libc5        5.4.23-6    5.4.23-6    The Linux C
LE>library versi

Shows an install version of 5.4.23-6 with available version of 5.4.33-3

LE> *** Std devel    libc5-dev    5.4.23-6    5.4.23-6    The Linux C
LE>library versi

Shows The same here...


LE>	Andree
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