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Re: gstep-base library use boundary="==_Exmh_12596774180"

"Graham C. Hughes" wrote:
>I've been interested in learning about Objective C, and figured I'd use 
>the gstep-base libraries packages with Debian.
>My question is fairly simple: what link flags am I supposed to use?
>A sample session is MIME-attached.  Hints and suggestions would be really 
>appreciated, eh? ;-).
>BTW, I'm using libc6-dev here.

(Note that I have taken the liberty of clipping the "mimery" from your
message.  It is usually handled funny by my copy of "mh")

I have found the following in the GCC info system:

     Objective-C source code.  Note that you must link with the library
     `libobjc.a' to make an Objective-C program work.

     C header file (not to be compiled or linked).

(... clipping info on other extensions ...)

   You can specify the input language explicitly with the `-x' option:

     Specify explicitly the LANGUAGE for the following input files
     (rather than letting the compiler choose a default based on the
     file name suffix).  This option applies to all following input
     files until the next `-x' option.  Possible values for LANGUAGE
          c  objective-c  c++
          c-header  cpp-output  c++-cpp-output
          assembler  assembler-with-cpp

NOTE that this wasn't easy to find from "emacs", since emacs won't
search more than the current text chunk with Control-S.  In info, it
is easier, but info does not work anymore due to not finding curses or
something, so "zcat /usr/info/gcc* | less."

So I would guess you want to use something like:

gcc -o outputfile -x objective-c filename.c -lobjc.a

(I have never done any objective-c myself.)

>Graham Hughes <ghughes@cs.ucsb.edu>	MIME OK, PGP preferred
>from stddisclaim import footer
>pgp_fingerprint = "E9 B7 5F A0 F8 88 9E 1E  7C 62 D9 88 E1 03 29 5B"
>Graham Hughes <ghughes@cs.ucsb.edu>	MIME OK, PGP preferred
>from stddisclaim import footer
>pgp_fingerprint = "E9 B7 5F A0 F8 88 9E 1E  7C 62 D9 88 E1 03 29 5B"

I'm an artist.  But it's not what I really want to do.  What I really
want to do is be a shoe salesman.  I know what you're going to say --
"Dreamer!  Get your head out of the clouds."  All right!  But it's
what I want to do.  Instead I have to go on painting all day long.

The world should make a place for shoe salesmen.
			-- J. Feiffer

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