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Re: Dselect replacement?

Linux dist. research wrote:
> I saw a reference to a possible future replacement for dselect.  Does
> anyone know about this?
It's called the 'Diety' project.  The last time I asked (about a week
ago), the response was "Patience Grasshopper."  They are about to
announce another major milestone.

The main engine will allow for several UI's  (www, x, text).  Also, it
will better support the networked servers(Debian Repositories) and
clients(Machines needing installation and management).

Enjoy -- Greg.
Greg Vence              | Debian GNU Linux
KH2EA/4                 | Diamond 2000 (7npw 4cpw)
gvence@ix.netcom.com    | There is time for what's important

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