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Dselect won't download

Now that contrib and non-free have moved inside the distributions, I can
no longer access them via dselect.  What stupid thing am I doing wrong?
I'm trying to get unstable's main, contrib and non-free areas.

I tried both dpkg in stable and in unstable, combined
with dpkg-ftp 1.4.8 (which is in both stable and unstable).

If I set the access method Debian directory to "/debian" and the
distributions to "unstable", I get only the Packages file from the main
area (via the old link /debian/unstable, I assume). 

If I set the Debian directory to "/debian/dists/unstable" and
distributions to "main contrib non-free", I get all three Packages files.
The Install routine lists all the files I want in this form:
	"want: dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/doc/dwww_1.4.1-1.deb (46K)" 
An extra level of "dists/unstable" directories appears out of nowhere in
the file names, even though dselect has already cd'd *inside*
/debian/dists/unstable.  All the downloads fail with "No such file or

Thinking that perhaps the "dists" part is now implied by dselect and I
don't actually have to mention that directory, I try "/debian" and
"unstable/main unstable/contrib unstable/non-free".  Then it can't
find any of the Packages files.

************** MICHAEL SCOTT ORR <mso@jimpick.com> *****************
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*    *  Tel: +1 (206) 522-9627, fax: 328-6209          *    Russki * 
*    *  Work: mso@u.washington.edu                     * Esperanto *
***************** (Insert silly quote here) ************************

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