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setting desktops with fvwm2

   Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 11:38:24 -0600
   From: Rick Macdonald <rickm@vsl.com>

   Randy Edwards wrote:
   >    The question I have is  B) how can I get my programs to open
   > up on Desk 5.

   Have you tried setting the geometry? I can get emacs to start up 
   in "the second row" by stating:

   emacs -geometry 99x31+0+768

   Of course, this gets misplaced it I start the xserver at other than


The specific thing that you do depends on how you have your "virtual
desktops" configured.  fvwm2 supports two different kinds of "virtual

* One in which all of the desktops have a shared coordinate system,
  and windows in one desktop can overlap into an adjacent desktop.
  This kind of desktop is specified by the "DeskTopSize" configuration

* Another in which each of the desktops has its own coordinate system;
  a window cannot be in more than one desktop at a time.  You can
  switch between these desktops using the "Desk" built-in function.

Both of these "virtual desktops" can be mixed together, making things
very complicated.

I like the second kind of desktop, so I do not use the "DeskTopSize"
configuration statement.

As Rick specifies above, if you are using the shared-coordinate
desktops, you can use large coordinates to map something into another
desktop.  However, if you are using the separate-coordinate desktops,
you must use

	-xrm "*Desk:1"

as an argument to the program, or

	XTerm*Desk: 1

in your .Xresources file.

All of this is documented, somewhat badly, in the fvwm2 man page.

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