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Re: Re[2]: Installation 1.3 failed, returned to 1.1 and upgraded

Boot the rescue disk. At the boot prompt, say:

	boot: linux root=/dev/sda7

Does it come up with the hard disk root?

> I enter 
>        lilo -C /target/etc/lilo.conf
>        Map segment is too big.

This is a complaint about the size of /boot/boot.b, or whatever you gave
as the "install=" in the lilo configuration file. I suppose it's a LILO
mismatch between the yard disk and Debian.

> For example, I tried
>        /target/sbin/lilo  -C /target/etc/lilo.conf

It's generally easier to run "lilo -r /target", which treats the target
partition as the root. Then you don't have to put all of those "/target"
paths in the LILO configuration file.

If you have a way to temporarily disable the CD controller (it's on the
motherboard or on a card, I guess) you might do so, so that there is no
ambiguity about the SCSI controller being the boot device and the BIOS "C"
drive being your first SCSI disk.


Bruce Perens K6BP   bruce@pixar.com   510-215-3502
Finger bruce@master.debian.org for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

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