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Any 1.3 updates yet?

I installed 1.3.0 almost as soon as it became available.  I've since seen 
several updated packages destined for bo/stable/1.3.  Yet when I point 
dselect at ftp.debian.org|select|update, all my packages are current.  
I'm reasonably sure that some of the updatated packages I've seen 
announced are applicable to my system, but I suppose it's possible that 
none of the announced updates would show up as currently installed on my 

1.  Is there some base or required package that has been updated since 
1.3.0 release that should have shown up at ftp.debian.org/stable and that 
dselect should be picking up?   

2. If so, is my dselect broke, or have the updates not been released to 
stable, nonfree, or contrib yet?


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