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Re: Installing Debian 1.2

>Finally, an answer. I get to the point in cfdisk where I can make it
>bootable ( I am using a DOS partition on my second HD), creating the
>primary area. Then What? I have 64 meg of RAM, so I don't think I need
>the cache area. 

I assume you mean that you created a primary Linux partition. Great. 
Write the table changes ('W' I think) and exit cfdisk. The Debian install 
program will proceed to format and mount the new partition.

>BTW, the cfdisk.txt is virtually un-readable, no matter what I use to
>open it. I will get the html file, if it is any better.


Jason Daniels -- bd733@rgfn.epcc.edu
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Winblows 95: The world's best-selling computer virus.

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