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Re: from 1.3 to hamm

On 26 Jun, joost witteveen wrote:
> No packages updates at all require an installed libc6, as long as
> you mean updates from stable (not many at the moment!).
Right. Right as well on "not many". Why is the new upstream version of
fetchmail or xisp only in unstable for example. This way one has to
follow unstable.

Maybe I don't understand the stable/unstable concept of debian, but I
don't see any reason why they don't go to stable.

If "normal" users should track stable, they don't get the new functions 
until debian 1.4 ? Strange...
> So, I don't see your point.
> To reitterate, my point was: problems with "unstable" _should_ be
> discussed on debian-devel, not on debian-user.
I already do recieve too many mails, so I hasitate in joining the devel

My system is a mix of stable and unstable. I believe nearly anyone on
this list has at least one package from hamm. I can't keep record which
package is from what tree (<=> belongs to what ML). 

I can follow only debian-user OR debian-devel (and I am quite happy with
the user list).  So I post all my questions to debian-user. If no one on
user has a solution, I post a bug-report (like I did about the "libc6
locales and perl" error; unfortunatly no solution so far).

And the devel list is most likely more productive, if they don't have
to delete all my mails about stable packages.

I took a quick look at the ML archive and the topics discussed there don't
match my interest (so far).


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