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xemacs with auctex

>>>>> "Mario" == Mario Olimpio de Menezes <mario@curiango.ipen.br> sez:

    Mario> Hi,

    Mario> 	I installed xemacs right now. It's nice! But...  I
    Mario> couldn't get my latex menus with xemacs, and I think it's
    Mario> because auctex isn't installed. Auctex depends on emacs :(
    Mario> Is there some other way to get those latex menus with
    Mario> xemacs? Or is there some way of getting auctex installed
    Mario> with xemacs? Is this possible?

AUC TeX comes standard with XEmacs as of 19.14 at least. The trouble,
as far as I can tell, is that AUC TeX is there, but the menus are
broken. I built XEmacs 19.15 from a source tarball and found exactly
the same problem with the LaTeX menus, and with the Hyperbole menu. I
couldn't figure it out. :/

However XEmacs 19.14 did seem to work fine.

 - Mark Powers ---------     "living inside the system is like riding
				through the countryside in a bus driven
                     		by a maniac bent on suicide." - Thomas Pynchon
oh yeah. http://www.mint.net/~sudweste, or whatever.

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