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scsi controllers, bsd file system

grr.  Still going :(  I am about to connect more pieces here in the

Device 0 (i can't figure out how to change the id; the switches seem to
do nothing) will be this troublesome NEC intersect drive.  Device 3 is
an ancient apple cdrom drive--it should be able to read the directory &
first few megs (if anyone understands how to recalibrate these ancient
sony monstrosities with their timing slug, i'd be eternally grateful!).
Device 5 is a zip, with my macbsd partitions.

Which leads to the magic question:  what type is a netbsd (but not their
newfs) disk?  is it still type 83?  a5 (bsd386)?  b7 (BSDI fs)?

and is anyone out there using a trantor t160?

The next step is to use the distribution kernel, but:  how do i extract
it from resc1440.bin?  


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