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Re: First impressions on installing Debian 1.3 (and an idea!)

On Tue, 24 Jun 1997 stick@richnet.net wrote:

> > decent Java application:  you could write essentially the same code to 
> > run locally in your Java-enabled kernel,  and those with web sites that 
> > 
> I think this is a very good idea - imagine when Debian is ported to other
> hardware platforms and (dreaming maybe) other OS's - one JAVA application
> could handle the  installation regardless of Hardware and OS.

Wait:  you've apparently missed the thread that I've been carrying on all 
day.  The point of the whole idea was to provide a way for people to get 
information on and install packages.  We discussed the idea that "finding 
linux software can sometimes be difficult because we didn't know where to 
look" and the fact that,  while dpkg is a _GREAT_ tool,  it doesn't 
provide much information and isn't very user-friendly.
	All I'm suggesting is a deselect-like,  x-enabled friendly 
neighborhood package finder and installer.  Keep in mind that at this point a
remote java process (one _NOT_ running on your machine,  but on the ftp server
or someplace else) CAN'T access your hard drive in a meaningful installation
way,  as a security precaution.  Locally,  you could run it,  but then you'd
already have to have X installed.


Good Idea: 	Feeding Stray Cats in the Park.
Bad Idea:	Feeding Stray Cats in the park ... to a bear.

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