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first experience with defrag: have slight problem.

I have installed the Debian defrag v 0.61-1 package and tried it out.
My partition table looks like

sda1   /           100 Mb
sda2   /usr        400 Mb
sdb1   /var         20 Mb
sdb2   /mnt/sdb2   280 Mb  soft linked, contains /usr/local, /usr/src
sdb3   swap         20 Mb
sdc1   /home      1020 Mb

I have successfully e2defrag on sdc1, sdb2, and sdb1 by booting in
single user mode [at lilo prompt, 'linux single'], and first umount
these partitions.  However, I cannot defrag sda1 nor sda2 since I
cannot umount these first.  I also tried booting with Debian rescue
disk, going into the shell, copying e2defrag onto the ramdisk, and
attempting a defrag of these partitions from there.  defrag will not
run since still does not have everything it needs [probably libc5 ?]

I don't think I really want to defrag the root partition (sda1) anyway
do I?  How could I defrag sda2 (which I would like to do)?

BTW, the program and graphical progress are great.  Reminds me of old
Norton utilities days on DOS!

| James D. Freels, P.E._i, Ph.D.  | Phone:  (423)576-8645  |   | L |
| Oak Ridge National Laboratory   | FAX:    (423)574-9172  | H | I |
| Research Reactors Division      | Internet: fea@ornl.gov | F | N |
| P. O. Box 2008                  | Reactor Technology     | I | U |
| Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6392 | world's best neutrons! | R | X |

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