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Re: nec scsi controller

>>>>> "Rick" == Rick Hawkins <rhawkins@iastate.edu> writes:

    Rick> I have nearly everything working; i've even mounted afs.
    Rick> The last piece is the scsi cdrom.  It's a NEC 16 bit
    Rick> controller, probably about 3 years old.  As near as I can
    Rick> tell from the kernel documentation, I need the eato driver.
    Rick> I compiled this into a kernel, but I get:

    Rick> bash-2.00# mount /dev/sda3 /cdrom -t iso9660 mount: the
    Rick> kernel does not recognize /dev/sda3 as a block device (maybe
    Rick> `insmod driver'?)

SCSI CD-ROMs are usually /dev/scd0 and up. Check dmesg | less to see
exactly where it is (but it's most likely /dev/scd0.)

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