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Re: fiddled with gcc/libc, now can't find stddef.h

>>>>> "JT" == James Troup <J.J.Troup@comp.brad.ac.uk> writes:

>> I think he should at least watch this list.

JT> I think it's unfair for you to demand (by implication) that every
JT> developer read debian.user, it's not low-volume and people only
JT> have a limited amount of time.

Normally yes. But if you know there is a known bug in your package,
and by one reason or another you can't/don't want to fix it, it would
be nice to have a look sometimes at the list.

I'm just a bit upset. It took me some time to find it, and it was a
known bug...

JT> As I understand it, this is a problem which occurs when upgrading
JT> to unstable/, if one is tracking stable/ it won't matter (no new
JT> versions of gcc/cpp -> no chance for them to get out of sync).
JT> And since the fix is now (or will be) in unstable, I think your
JT> point is moot.

In my case, I installed some packages from unstable (gcc and cpp among
them). After that, I noted that g77 didn't work with the new gcc (and
there was no newer g77). I had to downgrade. All this happened in the
same day I installed Debian, so I had no chance to note that I've
broken the system with this incursion in unstable.

It's over now. :-)

 Emilio C. Lopes <mailto:Emilio.Lopes@Physik.TU-Muenchen.DE>

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