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Big Bad Bug - adduser truncating files from /etc/skel.

I finally had the need to add some users to my brand new 1.3.0 server.

Using adduser everything copied from /etc/skel to /home/[user] gets 
hacked down to one line. 

I checked my other machine that was 1.2.6 based and the same thing happened.

# ~/.bash_profile: executed by bash(1) for login shells.

umask 022

# ~/.bash_profile: executed by bash(1) for login shells.

(yes, not good)

alias	a	alias
alias	loada	'source ~/.alias'
alias	loadalias	loada

alias	log	watchlog

unalias	ls
alias	ls	'ls-F -C'
alias	lsa	'ls -A'
alias	vdir	'ls -l'
alias	vdira	'dir -A'
alias	d	'dir'
alias	da	'dira'
alias	v	'ls -l'
alias	va	'v -A'
alias	pls	\\ls

alias	md	mkdir
alias	rd	rmdir
alias	rmold	'rm -rf *~ .*~ #*#'

alias	-	less
alias	+	'less -E'
# alias	+	more

alias	f	finger
alias	ff	'finger -l'
alias	p	'ping -c 1'

becomes :
alias	a	alias

Don't seem like a 'feature' to me....

Elite MicroComputers   908-541-4214      http://www.psychosis.com/emc/

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