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Re: setting & switching screen densities

On Mon, 16 Jun 1997, Rick Hawkins wrote:

> stealth vram (#124), which is an S3.  I've set it for 432 under 8 bits,
> and 32 under 16 (1mb vram).  But it seems to insist that the higher
> density modes don't exist.  It's startup messages (the ones that are
> left) annnouce 
> (--) there is no mode definition mamed "1024x768"
> (--) removing mode "1024X768": from list of valid modes"
> then again for 800x600.
> What am I doing wrong?

i don't know.  I am getting a similar problem when i run the new xf86config
to generate a new XF86Config file for my new monitor.  See my next message
for details.

> While I'm at it, the 2-bit questions:
> 1) what was the command to switch between screeen sizes?

Ctrl-Alt-<PLUS> and Ctrl-Alt-<MINUS>

<PLUS> and <MINUS> refer to the keys on the numeric keypad.

> 2) for that matter, if i use xdm, how do i switch between 8 & 16?

easiest way is to edit /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers file.  Mine looks like:

    # $XConsortium: Xserv.ws.cpp,v 1.3 93/09/28 14:30:30 gildea Exp $
    # Xservers file, workstation prototype
    # This file should contain entries to start the servers on the
    # local machine; if you have more than one display (not screen),
    # you can add entries to the list (one per line).  If you also
    # have some X terminals connected which do not support XDMCP,
    # you can add them here as well.  Each X terminal line should
    # look like:
    #       XTerminalName:0 foreign
    # X servers are automatically added to this file by the Debian
    # xbase and xserver configuration scripts.
    :0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -bpp 16
    :1 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :1 -bpp 8

The '-bpp 16' on the end of the :0 line does the trick.

The :1 line runs an 8bpp X server on the next available virtual tty.

On a standard debian system with getty running on virtual ttys 1-6, this
will give a 16bpp X on tty7 and an 8bpp X on tty8. Switch between them
with the usual Ctrl-Alt-F7 and Ctrl-Alt-F8.

(actually, mine doesn't always look like that. Usually I run with the
:1 line commented out. Whenever I need an 8bpp X and don't feel like
shutting down all the programs i have running, I just edit the file and
send a SIGHUP to xdm)

> 3) the file /etc/xdm.dpkg-dist exists, but xdm isn't launching.
> However, xdm from a root window successfully launches.

there seems to be a bug in the installation script for xbase.  it wipes the
/etc/init.d/xdm script.

you can fix it by:

    cd /etc/init.d
    mv -f xdm.dpkg-dist xdm


craig sanders
networking consultant                  Available for casual or contract
temporary autonomous zone              system administration tasks.

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