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Re: How are base disks created?

Bruce Perens wrote:

> For 1.3, you should generally only need the "rescue" floppy if you can get
> the rest of the FTP archive off of a hard disk, NFS, or CD. The rescue
> floppy is an MS-DOS filesystem with a SysLinux boot block. It contains
> "linux", the operating system kernel, and "root.bin", the root ram-disk
> image. Root.bin is a gzip-compressed 1.4MB Minix filesystem that is loaded
> into RAM at boot time.

Ah, so is the RAM disk on the rescue floppy "resc1440.bin" exactly the
same as the root.bin file that goes on a separate disk of its own, or
does the separate root.bin actually contain "a bit more stuff"?

Is the root.bin is a separate file for those that have 1.2MB floppies
because it can't fit on the 1.2MB rescue disk "resc1200.bin"?

The file sizes don't add up, so I'm not sure which of the guesses above
are correct.

  -r--r--r--   1 rickm         1228800 Jun  4 05:10 resc1200.bin
  -r--r--r--   1 rickm         1474560 Jun  4 05:10 resc1440.bin
  -r--r--r--   1 rickm          689987 Jun  4 05:10 root.bin

The doc isn't quite clear (to me).


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