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Re: Are spammers subscibing to the lists?

>Seriously, though: Is there a way (with procmail or other) that
>I can automatically forward all email with non-existant
>Reply-To: addresses to /dev/null? That would probably halve the
>amount of spam I get.

You can do two things:

        From Abuse.net, get all the known addresses of spammers and set them
in a filter.  Also, you can have your mail server do an automatic check of
the domain it's receiving mail from.  If the mail is from "big@boy.com" and
your mail server program detects that the domain name BOY.COM doesn't exist,
it can drop the mail. 
        The unfortunate part about this is that the error would bounce to
either someone else (to bad not back to the spammer) and that people who use
fake domains that actually exists (I get tons from Compuserve and AOL) will
still come through.

        My 10-user ISP works this way, and I get no spams there at all,
although I am not sure how the system works (that's how it was explained to
me).  I have just installed Linux myself and although I am slowly converting
myself to Linux from Windows 95, I have a lot to learn.  I'm used at having
my bed made. It crashes once in a while, but it's always made =)

        Perhaps the best way to get rid of spammers is to become filthy
rich, so when we receive their mail, we can do a WHOIS on the website they
advertise, and then send our boys to take "care" of them...  just a dream.

        True, Spamming is part of the freedom and the Internet is an
anarchy, with no control, but I still feel that if Spam should not stopped
because we'd be interfeering with their freedom, they are interfeering my
freedom (and my wallet).

Leandro Asnaghi-Nicastro? (LA672)
Assistant to the Editor and Localization, GAMESMANIA
Internet Frontier
Email: leandro@ifront.com
Tel: (416) 656-2659
Fax: (416) 656-0863

Cynic, n.:
        A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as
they ought to be.  Hence the custom among the Scythians of plucking out a
cynic's eyes to improve his vision.
                -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

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