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Re: Are spammers subscibing to the lists?

>Seems like the incoming spam has picked up, although I haven't been on
>usenet for weeks. Makes me wonder if we have a spammer subscribed to the
>lists just to collect email addresses. Anybody else with the same problem?

I've been spammed like crazy after going on Usenet on an unprotected
account.  By that I mean, that I had my e-mail address in the "From:" and
"Reply-to:" fields.  To go around this you can put a blank space (leandro
@ifront.com for example).

At least in the mailing lists like this one there isn't that much of a worry
for spamming =)

Perhaps we could have that the mail program checks the domain from where the
mail is coming from, and if the domain is invalid it rejects the mail.

Leandro Asnaghi-Nicastro? (LA672)
Assistant to the Editor and Localization, GAMESMANIA
Internet Frontier
Email: leandro@ifront.com
Tel: (416) 656-2659
Fax: (416) 656-0863

"There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any
given moment...You had to live--did live, from habit that became
instinct--in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and,
except in darkness, every movement scrutinized." 
                        --From George Orwell's "1984" 

ZimID  46B98555 1993/12/15  0D 6E 96 68 D6 B3 9A 96  20 ED 1F AF 11 46 13 79

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