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Re: Linux FS Question

On Jun 17, Tim O'Brien wrote
> Under the FAT16 system when a file is deleted, it's only removed from the
> FAT. Though the file appears gone, it still remains on the drive. 
> When something is removed on a Linux box using the rm command, is the file
> gone for good or is it just removed from view while it remains on the disk? 

AFAIK it's really gone at least shortly afterwards because the space
will be reused.



Christian Meder, email: christian.meder@utoronto.ca

What's the railroad to me ?
I never go to see
Where it ends.
It fills a few hollows,
And makes banks for the swallows, 
It sets the sand a-blowing,
And the blackberries a-growing.
                      (Henry David Thoreau)

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