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Re: stephen farrell: Re: making sound module

>>"stephen" == stephen farrell <stephen@farrell.org> writes:

stephen> I'll also check out kernel-package (as it mentioned in the
stephen> FAQ), but from the description of kernel-sources, i figured
stephen> that was outdated or, at least, unnecessary.

	Well, it certainly is not necessary, and since it is a Debian
 value added utility, the stock kernel sources know nothing about it,
 but it _is_ being actively developed (spake the active developer ;-),
 and it certainly is supported, so if you have any problems with it,
 just fire away a bug report.

 "I don't think Christians should use birth control.  You consummate
 your marriage as often as you like and if you have babies, you have
 babies." Randall Terry, one of the people behind the current campaign
 to blockade health clinics and publicly harass and humiliate women
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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