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RE: named hangs on boot

From: dgolpira <dgolpira@sdconcepts.com>
> I doesn't panic, just says "starting named service..." (or something
> like that) and just sits there.  Cannot switch to a VT to kill it or
> anything.

Boot the system with "linux single" or "linux emergency" on the command
line. You may have to remount the root for writing with
"mount -o remount /". Edit the file in /etc/init.d to put an "exit 0"
at the second line.  Let the system come up all the way, and then start
"named" manually from one of the virtual terminals. This will make it
easier to figure out what is wrong, as you will be able to kill and
restart it.

Bruce Perens K6BP   Bruce@Pixar.com   510-215-3502
Finger bruce@master.Debian.org for PGP public key.
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