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Re: Xemacs wont install

>>>>> "Will" == Will Lowe <harpo@UDel.Edu> writes:

    Will> Has a better html mode, also.

 Much better!!  Once you start using it, you never dream of using
anything else.

 I'm always amazed when I log on at my ISP, type `w', and see someone
editting HTML with `pico' or `vi'.  :-) It's amazing.  I tried to demo
XEmacs to them, but they won't stand still long enough for me to show
it off.  Their web pages all end in .htm, so you know what's up there.
Ignorance is bliss... they say the same thing about me, I suppose,
since I've not used a Windows machine since 3.1, two years ago.  And
never will again.

Karl M. Hegbloom <karlheg@inetarena.com>
Portland, OR  USA
Debian GNU 1.3  Linux 2.1.36 AMD K5 PR-133
HTML was invented in UNIX.

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