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Re: POP mail questions

On Sun, 15 Jun 1997, George Bonser wrote:

   If you don't mind a related question George (and to anyone else who

> Note that if you use SMTP, you should use your ISP as your smarthost. This
> is because if you have dynamic IP, your claimed hostname might not equal
> your reverse DNS lookup and many mailhosts out on the net may refuse to
> talk to you.

   This is the same setup I'm using (an ISP which issues dynamic IP
addresses and using it as a smarthost).

   What I get a problem is that some mail programs put my local machine's
hostname (golgotha) into the message header thus making the message appear
from/reply to "redwards@golgotha".  Of course, since that isn't in
anyone's DNS any messages replied to will bounce.

   Would you or anyone know how I could implement a rule so that smail (or
whatever program handles this sort of thing) would rewrite any outgoing
messages to correct the "redwards@golgotha" to become
"redwards@together.net" (together.net is of course my ISP)?

                          | Debian GNU/ __      o
 Regards,                 |            / /     _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 .                        |           / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 Randy                    |          /____/ /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 (redwards@together.net)  |      ...because lockups are for convicts...

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