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Re: Locales Problem?

W Paul Mills wrote:
> This all seems to have something to do with libc and a wg15-locale
> package. Do you have anything in /usr/share/locale. Most seem to
> start having this problem if they install StarOffice which has you
> set LANG=us. It really does not seem to hurt anything other than
> all the trash it puts on your screen when perl programs are run.
> As more programs depend on these features, it may become more of an
> issue.

Bingo!  You hit the nail on the head.  It all seems to have started
since I installed StarOffice.


Here is what is in /usr/share/locale:

vtorrico# cd /usr/share/locale
locale# dir
da_DK         en_GB         fr_CA         kl_GL         pl_PL
de            en_IE         fr_CH         ko            pt
de_AT         en_US         fr_FR         locale.alias  pt_PT
de_BE         es            fr_LU         lt_LT         ro_RO
de_CH         es_ES         gr_GR         lv_LV         ru_RU
de_DE         et_EE         hr_HR         nl            sl_SI
de_LU         fi_FI         hu_HU         nl_BE         sv
en            fo_FO         is_IS         nl_NL         sv_FI
en_CA         fr            it_IT         no_NO         sv_SE
en_DK         fr_BE         iw_IL         pl


Here is what is in /usr/lib/X11/locale:

vtorrico# cd /usr/lib/X11/locale
locale# dir
C             iso8859-3     iso8859-8     ko            th_TH.TACTIS
compose.dir   iso8859-4     iso8859-9     koi8-r        zh
en_US.utf     iso8859-5     ja            locale.alias  zh_TW
iso8859-1     iso8859-6     ja.JIS        locale.dir
iso8859-2     iso8859-7     ja.SJIS       tbl_data


Thanks so much to the many guys and dolls who replyed to this thread. 
Your help is much appreciated.


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