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dselect corrupted filesystem

     I have run debian's "bo" since December, 1996.
     I nightly mirror the debian packages.
     Usually, I use dpkg to update a package, though I have used dselect 20 
     Last night I used dselect to update packages that I have not updated 
     with dpkg.
     During the installation phase, text flew by on my screen, seldom 
     pausing.  I believe install went well until post-configuration.
     As text flew by, I saw some "broken pipe" and either "gzip" or "grep" 
     errors, until dselect hung on post-configuring xfnt75.
     After dselect installation, "gzip" failed, "grep" failed, "fsck" 
     failed, and of course booting now failed.
     At one point, I got a "gzip" off a live RedHat package, then used dpkg 
     to install gzip and grep, but much more was corrupted.  With no log of 
     dselect transactions, I can not fully identify how dselect corrupted 
     so many files.  So, I give this general message.
     I must now get my "yard" emergency disks and reinstall every debian 
     Jim Burt  jburt@nass.usda.gov

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