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Setting up UUCP over TCP

     When setting up Taylor uucp over tcp it looks to me that the 
only configuration files that are needed are.

1. config:

     hostname foo

2. sys:

     system  foo2
     address foo2.bar.com
     time    Any
     port    tcp-conn
     chat    ogin: login_name word: pass_word

3. port:

     port    tcp-conn
     type    tcp
     service 540

and that's it.  The dial, dialcode and call files are unnecessary in 
this case.

     Here is where I start getting a bit confused.  If this ran over 
a modem line and was logged in using mgetty then life would be simple 
in that the shell of the user would be set to uucico.  When the user 
logged in uucico would run and off they go.  Over tcp there has to 
be a daemon listening to port 540.  In one of the docs that I read 
about uucp mentioned a uucpd that I couldn't find.  In the man page 
for uucico the -l or -e options makes uucico negotiate a login.  Does 
this mean that uucico will naturally listen to port 540?  (It doesn't 
seam likely to me.)  The man page also says that the /etc/passwd file 
is not used but instead /usr/lib/uucp/passwd.  Are these files in the 
same format and could the /etc/passwd file be copied to make the 
/usr/lib/uucp/passwd file?

     I think that this is about it for now.  Sorry about the bother 
but it seams that most of the references to uucp are related to 
dialup lines and tcp is usually only mentioned as an after thought.  
It seams to me that uucp is the ideal way to move mail or news when a 
host is not on all the time and only comes on to gather it's 
information then get off in a polling cycle instead of being poled.

    As always any help is tremendously appreciated.  I can't say 
enough about how helpful the folks on this list are.

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