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Problems with xfig

I have installed the xfig through dselect. It works fine except
for two things

1) in the option "Picture Object" I load an encapsulated
Postscript file. Everything works fine.
The next time I attempt to open this .fig file,
xfig quits without doing anything and gives the following
message in xterm

xfig3.1.4b: SIGSEGV signal trapped
xfig: figure empty or not modified - exiting
IOT trap/Abort

2) at other times I try to expert the picture containing
jpg images into a postscript file. Xfig would not create
the file and would write

Wrong number of colors: 465
Unable to open EPS file '<empty>': error: No such file or directory (2) 

I presume the problem is with some drivers for the corresponding
picture formats or with the way ghostscript (ghostview) works.

Does anyone have an idea what is happening and how to fix it ?
I really appreciate your help.

Dmitri Nikonov

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