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Re: unhosing my compiler

>On Fri, 6 Jun 1997, stephen farrell wrote:
>> I wrote:
>> >
>> >Normally there is a .so link, a .so.X link and a .so.X.YY dynamic library.
>> >The linker will sometimes not follow a symbolic link more than one link,
>> >so, if the .so link is to .so.X with .so.X linked to the actual library,
>> >the linker will fail to find the library. Change the .so link to point
>> >to the acutal .so.X.YY library and the compilation should get much better.
>> For which .so?
>> Here's libc.so.5:
>> libc.so.5 -> libc.so.5.4.23*
>I assume that these are in /lib. There should also be a link from
>/usr/lib/libc.so back to /lib/libc.so.5.4.23.


>You should probably also check the like in /usr/lib/libm.so and make sure
>it points to the correct file. 

this looks normal, besides the trivial little programming i'm trying
to compile (it's the one called gccvers.c and it's part of the perl
configuration process) doesn't use libm, or curses..

>Other libs in /usr/lib like ncurses and
>others will only be necessary if their features are included in the

>I'm not clear on just how you got into this situation. Usually

No, it's not.  It's likely to me that it had something to do with
upgrading to debian 1.3.  Also, I should mention that I did a little
bit of monkeying around with libpthread.so.  Whenever I ran ldconfig,
it whined that libpthread.so didn't exist.  For some reason I had a
dangling link and I deleted it.  I also tried at that point to
reinstall libpthread.  This didn't go particularly well b/c (a)
dselect thought I still had libpthread installed on my maching and
went ape-shit with dependencies when I tried to remove it (b) dselect
kept on trying to get me to install libc6.  I think I thwarted it's
efforts, but in the process it uninstalled a "bunch of stuff" which
I'm still trying to get reinstalled correctly like kernel headers and
such. (it keeps looking on debian ftp server for something like
kernel-headers_2.0.30_2.0.30-x.deb, which appears to be a mistake to
both myself and it, b/c it can never find this).

So yes, I screwed around quite a bit.  But I'm *sorry* and I'm done =).
I'd really just like at this point to do a make world or equivalent
and restore my system to ok state.  

>re-installing the various development libraries tends to fix these kind of
>linker problems.

That's what I'd hoped.

>BTW, did you try upgrading binutils?

Yep.  Just did it now (including reinstall of gcc again) and still no
go.  Nothing will compile.


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