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read news on/off line


  I'd like to thank all the people who have helped me setting up
  the PPP connect this week.  I've finally gotten to work :)

  Now,  I'd like to readnews online.  Currently,  I'm able to
  use netscape to readnews.  However, I'd like to use the rtin
  instead which I currently have some problem with.  My ISP
  requires a my ISP-username/password before I can access the
  news.  I'd like to know how do I make rtin to send this info
  to my ISP's new server?

  Secondly,  would some one please point me to the doc./pointers to
  setup the Debian system to download the news onto my local drive
  for later use?  Thanks!

         --------------------  Timothy C. Phan (tphan@asl.dl.nec.com)
      --------------------                      NEC America, Inc. ASL
   --------------------         1525 Walnut Hill Ln. Irving, TX 75038
--------------------          tel: (214)-518-3437 fax: (214)-518-3499

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