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Re: ftp only user account?


On Thu, 5 Jun 1997 J.R.Blaakmeer@student.utwente.nl wrote:
>On Wed, 4 Jun 1997 19:45:15 -0400 , Joey Hess wrote:
>> How can I set up a user account that can only ftp in, and is restricted to
>> their home directory in a chroot environment?
>Add the user to /etc/passwd and put it in a group called 'ftponly' (or make
>up a name, but this is the easiest to remember). If the group doesn't
>exist, create it. The shell should be /bin/false. Add a line '/bin/false'
>to /etc/shells. Now, you have a user that can't log in. Try it. I might
>have forgotten something.

>Now, set up wu-ftpd as your ftp server if you haven't done so already. In
>/etc/ftpd/ftpaccess, add a line 'guestgroup ftponly'.
>Now you should be all set up.
No. The user won't be able to list directories. gzip on the fly,...
As root cd to his/her home directory, then
  cp -a /home/ftp/{bin,lib,etc} .
to give the necessary binaries and shared libraries to do useful work.

>if my memory serves me correctly. 'Guest'
>users can do all normal ftp things, but wu-ftpd does a chroot to their
>home directory. They can't get anything that is not in their home
>directory (or mounted under it)
That's correct.


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