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Re: ssh for Debian?

In your email to me, George Bonser, you wrote:
> Where can I find information baout setting up a couple of debian boxes
> with ssh?  I want to do some sysadmin over the net on a remote system and
> would like to make it a little difficult for someone to watch what I am
> doing incase they want to swipe passwords, etc.

It's actually quite easy. For root:

1) run 'ssh-keygen' on both systems as root.

2) either copy the host public key via secure means from each host
   to the other, or just slogin to the other host if you are reasonably
   sure of your connection and systems.

3) copy the /root/.ssh/identity.pub from one host, and *append* it to
   the /root/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the other host.

4) Create a /root/.shosts in the same format as a .rhosts file
   on each machine.

You should now be able to 'slogin remote.host.com' as root, get in 
with no password or passphrase, and have the complete session


PS: I may have left out 1 or 2 minor steps, but this is the basics.
    It's been a while since I had to set this up.

 (work) sailer@bnl.gov / (home) tps@buoy.com - http://www.buoy.com/~tps
		 "The squeaky wheel gets the grease,
  but gets changed at the next opportunity if it squeaks habitually."
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

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