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Small Samba problem

I'm running Samba on two of my Linux boxes so they can act as fileservers.
One machine is a 486/66, the other a 486/100, both with 16M. These machines
have only two purposes: Samba server (with TCP/IP), and IPmasq with a 28.8
modem. Neither is what I would call heavily loaded (usually no more than 2
users at a time connected thru Samba)

For some reason, Linux/Samba seems to be a good bit slower than Windoze95
on the same machines in terms of file transfers. Any idea what I've done
wrong? I'm used to seeing Debian boxen run circles around BlozeBoxes. 


LINUX 2.0.6 i486     Because reboots are for upgrades!!
Please direct Email to: tjobrien(at)traveller.com

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