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DOSEMU & mtools

Howdy all,

I'm wanting to setup multiple hdimages of various sizes for use in 
dosemu-0.66.3-1.  I've tried using mkhdimage with little or no success.
I can create the drive, but as soon as I copy 1 or more files to it,
DOSEMU fails to recognize it as a valid drive.  I've read all of the
files in /usr/doc/dosemu and have visited the DOSEMU homepage and have
seen a couple of references to mtools-3.6 having a utility called setup-

I've installed mtools_3.6-1 and don't see anything like that.

What am I missing?  Are there some steps that need to be taken to complete
the creation of the hdimage?  I've tried using DOS's format command to
see if that would help - it didn't.

For the record - this happens with DR-DOS 6.2 and FDOS (whichever version
comes w/ dosemu-0.66.3-1...)  The only difference being that DR-DOS complains
that D: is not a valid drive, whereas FreeDOS just returns to the prompt.

For the moment, I'm assuming that I doing/not doing something simple...

Thanks in advance.

Chuck Stickelman, Owner			E-Mail:	<stick@richnet.net>
Practical Network Design		Voice:	(419) 529-3841
9 Chambers Road				FAX:	(419) 529-3625
Mansfield, OH 44906-1302 USA

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