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Re: PPP Problem

>   I have two linux boxes. I recently bought modems and tried to get it to
> to little or no avail. Please could someone take me through the series of
> required to effect this ...
> PS. I have read a lot of the documentation and consulted a few chaps this
> and still remain none the wiser..

This is a fairly big job with a lot of steps.  How far did you get????  We
need more info on what you've done so far, what errors you were getting,

Step 1:  Get the modems working for outgoing.  (Use minicom to verify.)
Step 2:  Get the modems working for incoming.  (Use mgetty.)
Step 3:  Enable incoming PPP.  (Use mgetty again.)
Step 4:  Write chat scripts, configure PPP to call local ISP to verify
that's working.
Step 5:  Modify chat scripts to call your other Linux box.

All of this is covered in various documentation and (even better) HOWTO's. 
Go to http://sunsite.unc.edu/mdw/HOWTO/HOWTO-INDEX-3.html to find the
HOWTO's and mini-HOWTO's.

Good luck!


Kevin Traas
Systems Analyst
Edmondson Roper CA

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