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Re: bind output in /var/adm/debug

On Tue, 27 May 1997 03:30:24 -0700 (PDT) , Douglas L Stewart wrote:
> I'm seeing a lot of warnings in /var/adm/debug because NS and MX records
> are pointing to CNAME's.  Is this not allowed?  If it's not, could someone
> point me to a reference that says that it's not, so I can point it out to
> the ISP that's got things set up this way.

I have installed the Debian 'bind' package, so I'll refer to this. In
/usr/doc/bind are at least three documents that say this is not allowed:

manual.txt.gz      Name Server Operations Guide for BIND
rfc1033.txt.gz     RFC1033
rfc1034.txt.gz     RFC1034

Do a text search on 'CNAME' and you'll find it.


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