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ppp packet errors

I used to get excellent ppp transfers, but of late I get errors and
the modem lights often cease activity for several seconds at a time.
ppp version is 2.2.0f-23.

ifconfig shows:-
ppp0      Link encap:Point-Point Protocol  
          inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
          UP POINTOPOINT RUNNING  MTU:552  Metric:1
          RX packets:27767 errors:524 dropped:524 overruns:0
          TX packets:14018 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0

The ethernet howto says to set a smaller window size but this is not an
option in the ppp options file.  LAP-M error correction protocol is being
used so there should not be any errors, but the error rate sits on 1.5-2%.

What size window is used in ppp?

Any pointers welcomed.

Lindsay Allen   <allen@cleo.murdoch.edu.au>  Perth, Western Australia
voice +61 9 316 2486    modem +61 9 364-9832      32S, 116E
http:  Real soon now.   debian linux

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