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Re: debian libc5-dev installation version problem - my crude? fix.

> I get an error when dselect tries to install libc5-dev.
> It depends on the previous installation of 
> libc5 version 5.4.20-1 but version 5.4.23-3 is what 
> was installed. Apparently the version test for the installation of
> libc5-dev has the = sign instead of >= sign for checking the version
> of libc5. So the installation is rejected. 
> So I got around this by editing the /var/lib/dpkg/status file.
> I went to the point in the file where the libc5 version was
> recorded. I edited the version number to 5.4.20-1. It worked!

but now when you compile stuff, I'm afraid it will all be statically
linked (not realy sure, but I do *think* so). Anyway, the libc5 versions
on bo really are both 5.4.23, and you really should install the same
versions of each package. That's why it's got the = sign.

> OK experts, did I do good or at the very least, good enough? 
I think you'd better check the mirror -- it doesn't seem to be
up-to-date. My mirror has libc5 version 5.4.23-3 (that's the bo mirror)

[deleting other questions, most of which are answered above]

joost witteveen, joostje@debian.org
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