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Debian 1.3

As I am rather new to debian, but having used Linux for a year or so
(RedHat 3.03 / 4.0, 4.1), I have some questions. I installed (I think)
Debian 1.2.8 and got a lot of problems that I have seen here on the list,
but I believe debian is a lot better than RedHat, especially because of the
list of included packages. Also the configuration questions that pop up
during installation of packages is great.

When is 1.3 scheduled to be released ?
The latest I can see is 1.2.15, but I heard somewhere that 1.3 was right
around the corner...

Is 1.3 going to be a "stable" release or a more developmental version ?


   \\\|///          	Geir Bjune - Student ved IFD,HiBu
 \\  ~ ~  //	      	http://tott.hibu.no:8001/geirand5
  (  @ @  )         	A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.
o00o_(_)_o00o       	Therefore, a man without a woman is like a bicycle
without a fish.

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