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Re: Debian 1.2 installed... Need internet access... now what?

On Sat, 17 May 1997, Bob Nielsen wrote:

> What did you install so far and how did you install it?  To do a complete
> new install by ftp, you probably need to have an ethernet connection to
> the internet.   If you have one, great, but if not, cd-rom installation is
> probably the best bet.  Or, if you have some other way to ftp the files to
> your hard drive, you can install from there.

A cd-rom is the quickest, but certainly not needed.  I've installed debian
without a cd-rom and its pretty simple, since I had the scripts I
needed to get ppp going.  The bad part is it is rather time consuming.
The full set of files would take several days to download over a modem.
However, I didn't want to install every package.  My aproach was to
select the standard stuff that I wanted - required, gcc, kernel source,
pine, fetchmail, network tools and such.  I would run deselect before I
went to bed.  The next morning it would still be downloading, but by the
time I got home from work I was able to install the packages.  The next
session would be to download X.  Then after that I would install the
stuff like tetex, games, ghostscript, etc.

> Once you get things installed, and have ppp or whatever working, the ftp
> installation method can be used to install additional packages or
> upgrades.  Dselect has enough of the ftp tools included to do this, but
> does not have any modem dialup capability built-in.

Modem dialup is included.  Just be sure that the serial modules are


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