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Harmon Sequoya Nine wrote:
> Hi all.
> A "cable modem" has just been installed on my computer, and I would
> like to use it under Linux:
> 1)  The card that was installed on my computer is a 10base-T (twisted pair)
> ethernet card -- "Intel 82557-based PCI Ethernet card".  Does the Linux kernel
> currently have a driver for this card?  On a fresh install of Debian, I did
> not see a driver for this card listed in the driver configuration portion of
> the install ...

What you are describing is the Intel EtherExpress Pro/10+.  This uses
eepro loadable module.  HOWEVER, the module which came w/ the 1.2
is either broken or not up to date.  Find the author of the program,
compile and load according to his instructions and everything should go
fine.  I had this driver working under Red Hat 4.1 before I blew it away
not having development tools that work.

If anyone is listening, the eepro module needs to be fixed before 1.3
out or nobody using Comcasts @home network will be able to connect.

<\flame on>
Speaking of which, Comcast's @home network is NOT linux friendly.
They have deliberately rigged their home page (through which all
and information pass) to only respond to either Macintosh or Windows
of Netscape.  I have informed several executive types that this was an
and unreasonable decision w/ no response.  I plan to configure Mosaic to
spoof their
site.  Mosaic has a feature which allows you to tell a server that you
are a
different client type than you actually are.  I haven't gotten around to
figuring out
the codes yet.  At any rate, if you are with Comcast's @home, don't plan
on seeing the 
actual web site.  Something comes up which says "Sorry we can't show you
the actual
speed of our network..." because you are using Linux.
<\flame off>

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