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Re: Xwindows running finally!! what's next?

> I just want to thank all who helped me get Xwindows running.  This is
> what I hadto do to install it successfully:  I cleaned everything first,
> may be it had something to do with selecting "-" instead of "_".  I also
> had to install xserver-svga first and then xbase with the rest of its
> dependencies.  Anyway, I'm now looking for a window manager and all the
> neat tools to run Xwindows smoothly.  I heard of fvwm, gwm, afterstep,
> fvwm95 and others.  Can I run all of them at the same time? Is it a
> sequence? Do I need to kill xwindows before I install them or dselect
> will take care of that? 

Sounds like you have a window manager up already - the default twm. I use
this manager and it is fine for me. But if you want something more
Windows95y, or just something with more frills, just load up all the other
window manager packages, then change the manager you want in your home
directory ~/.xsession

Here is an example (From a Sun machine, but running X11R6.1);

measun10% more ~/.xsession
#! /bin/csh
# no -f in the previous line so .cshrc gets run to set $PATH
twm &
xearth -label -bigstars 50 -term 50 -gamma 1.4 -mono &
xmailbox -name mail -geometry 70x70-0+90 -file /usr/spool/mail/ed &
xclock -name clock -geometry 70x70-0+0 &
xconsole -name console -geometry 450x60+0+0 -daemon -notify -verbose -fn
fixed -exitOnFail & 
xterm -title "Measun10" -geometry 80x40+30+200 -ls


What you want to do is change the 'twm &' line to 'gwm &' etc. The
installation scripts for the window manager packages might ask you if you
want to use the manager as default and change things automatically - I'm
not sure, but this should work.


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