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Re: Programming languages: where to start?

If you are interested in Linux programming (that is, Unix programming in the end), the first step is, i think, C/gcc/Unix programming. It might be easier for 
you to start with pascal, because you are already familiar with, but i have no
experience on Unix programming with Pascal. Bottomline for Unix programming is,
i think, C.

Now, about portability. If you decide to go for Unix-programming, there are
are implementations of gcc (Cygnus, RSX, EMX[OS2],DJGPP), to make porting easier
from Unix to Windows/DOS. However, i don't think porting will be very easy this way, due to the fundamental differences of Unix/Windows/DOS.

If you are interested in such ports, ask (i can tell you about DJGPP(DOS) and 
RSX(Windows)/ others should answer you about Cygnus(Win95/NT))


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